Frequently Asked Questions
New to Suntreckers or new to Naturism? Then you may well have some questions for us.
That's only natural. Hopefully you will find the answers below, if not feel free to pop us a message and we'll happily answer anything you want to know.

Would I have to be naked all the time?
The easy answer is no. Suntreckers promote social naturism, so you have to be naturists. However, with our ever-changeable weather, the clothes come and go. Some people have to cover up in strong sun due to burning risk, or skin disorders aggravated by strong sunlight.
I have only recently decided to try naturism and I am a bit nervous about the initial stripping off.
Don't worry, we all started somewhere. Some folk like to cover up with something like a sarong, kaftan, loose fitting tee shirt to lessen the initial nerves.
I have had surgery and it’s left a scar or have other abnormalities.
We all wish for that perfect body shape, which quite frankly does not exist. Naturists come in all shapes and sizes, along with life’s blemishes. We see the person, not the body.
Will our children be safe?
Yes. The openness of naturism often helps with a child’s awareness of life, helping them to become well-balanced adults. Suntreckers, like all naturist clubs, are very conscious of the safety and respect for children, and we have a Child Protection Officer just in case a problem ever arises.
Do men ever become aroused?
This is a common question. Social nudity is not sexually stimulating because you are not thinking sexually. During my 30 years as a naturist I’ve only once seen a gentleman get aroused. A quick and discreet exit to his caravan made the event pass almost unnoticed and with the least attention.
Are there any special preparations that we need to make before going on a rally?
No. Naturist caravanning and camping is just the same as clothed, but more friendly and enjoyable, and fewer dirty clothes to wash when you get home!! We do ask that every unit is equipped with at least one fire extinguisher inside plus a bucket of water outside for emergency use.
My campervan is home built can I still join?
Yes of course you can. Whether you camp in a tent, trailer tent, caravan or camper van, home made or factory built we only ask that you are fully self-contained, (e.g. you must have your own toilet facilities be it a loo tent or built in bathroom).
I am a naturist back-packer with no vehicle, can I become a member?
Yes you can, but you would have to arrange your own means of getting to a venue with public transport, and have to carry toilet facilities if attending a venue with limited amenities.
Can I Bring My Dog?
Well behaved dogs are welcome at the majority of our rallies. The only time they wouldn't be able to come is when the campsite/locations rules forbode them.