Gala Rally 2024
This was the third year at Candy Farm for the Gala Rally and each year seems to be better than the last. This year’s theme was ‘Circus’ and attendance was good, even the weather was kind overall, with the use of the barn for evenings and in case of poor weather. Along with various helpers, Terry laid out the pitches to his usual high standard and Alan (never short of something to say) ably performed the role of Ring Master (Master of Ceremonies). Wednesday evening as usual was a chance to reunite with old friends and meet new ones, with drinks and nibbles supplied by Sylvia and Brian, the rally officers. Coffee mornings were held outside, and a variety of activities was arranged throughout each day, from fancy dress for dogs and people to Molkky and Pétanque competitions. A ‘round the vans’ picture quiz provided an excuse to wander round inspecting everyone’s caravan or motorhome and admiring the fantastic van decorations for the best-dressed van competition, while another quiz taxed our brains with some obscure circus facts. Professional musical entertainment was booked for Thursday and Saturday evenings, with a comedian on Friday, so there was no shortage of things to do. A couple of entertainment highlights worth mentioning were an impromptu music set following on from Friday evening’s comedy, ably performed by our own Ed and professional singer Steve Draper’s energetic performance on Saturday evening which went on until midnight and had many of us dancing until we dropped.
Sunday morning as always saw the grand prize raffle draw, organised (and largely funded) by Terry and Lesley with 3 top prizes of a Red Letter ‘Days Out’ voucher, an air fryer and an £80 cash prize, with another 36 prizes to be won. The cake competition entries were consumed with great pleasure and prizes and plaques were awarded for the various competition winners, just leaving time for lunch before the Annual General Meeting in the barn at 1:30pm. Several committee members were re-elected, or their appointment was ratified by the members, and the remainder of the business was soon dealt with making it a short meeting
It was announced after the AGM that over the course of the Gala rally, a total of £547 was raised for our chosen charity, Cancer Research UK, through the raffle and book sales and a further £500 was added from Suntreckers funds, giving a grand total of £1047. A more laid-back Sunday evening was passed with a beetle drive, music from some of the members, a standup comedy spot by Jeff and a few monologues from Terry before we went our separate ways on Monday morning, remembering good times at this Gala and already anticipating next year’s event.

Want to learn more about this event?
Our full rally report is available to members in the Trecker online magazine. Not a member?
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