As this was our first venture abroad with the campervan for a while we did wonder how smoothly things might go. In fact, it was an absolute ‘doddle’. We ensured we had no meat or meat products, milk, or milk products on board as these are now not allowed into France but nobody at the tunnel terminal actually checked our van. The only inspection done was the usual pre-tunnel gas check. The passports were given a cursory once over but were stamped IN by the French border control so we will need to ensure that we get them stamped OUT when we leave the EU, in our case via Bilbao in Spain.
The site at Devèze was lovely, with views over open farmland and although the weather on the first couple of days was a bit ‘iffy’ it settled down to warm sunny weather from then on with 25- 31 degrees each day except for the last night and morning when we had some light rain. Both Mylene & Jean-Pierre who run the site speak very good English and are very friendly. This meant the checking in process was stress free despite our lack of French.
The site itself is on a sloping hillside with terraced pitches, the pitches we used having views over the adjacent valley. The toilet/shower blocks were kept scrupulously clean and the hot showers were free. There is a bar selling drinks and ice creams, but the grocery shop and restaurant isn’t normally open until later in the season.
However due to a large French Naturist Motor Bikers Group visiting for the weekend the Restaurant was to be opened up for them on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. We were invited to join them for the three meals, all of which were to be local/regional dishes. As Thursday’s menu was to include andouille sausage, known by us all as shall we say, ‘an acquired taste’, we universally decided to give Thursday a miss but joined them for the other 2 days.
For us personally the meals proved the high spot of the rally. Although the meals were supposed to start at 7.30pm in truly Gallic style the aperitifs started at 8.00pm, the meal at 9.20 and we finished the 4th and final course at 11.45pm, all washed down with an unending supply of red & rose wine included in the fixed price menu! The bikers were in high spirits (in both senses of the word!) with lots of noise and laughter.
Having finished the meal, the tables and chairs were cleared away and they started the disco! You’ve got to give it to the French for stamina. We however, being replete with French cooking and wine, staggered back to our camper and went to bed where we slept like logs, untroubled by the disco which was too far away to disturb us. But then again it might just have been all the wine!
We had been concerned at having 50+ bikers joining us on site, wondering if we were to be visited by the local Naked Chapter of Hells Angels but not so, these guys and gals turned up with some very exclusive rigs – usually a big expensive motorbike in a trailer towed behind a motorhome. It made for some extra interest and contrary to what might be expected, no great noise even when they went off late morning for a tour round the local area.
Regretfully all good things come to an end and Friday saw us splitting up and going our separate ways. Before leaving home, if we had any concerns about how this first continental trip and rally might go, these proved groundless. The weather was better than back home, the company was great, driving on the French roads was a pleasure – what’s not to like?
Written by Jeff & Val

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