
We had another sizzling rally at Cilan in early August with temperatures rising to 30 degrees in the shade and 38 degrees in the sun.

Too hot for most, so there was a lot of ‘shade bathing’ going on under the trees.

As usual, the site had been beautifully prepared for the rally by Alan and Cindy and John and Jan. The hedges had been trimmed, the grass freshly cut, marquees were up and the tea-urn ready for use. So, there was little for me to do as RO other than organise the daily events.

We managed a Fish & Chip supper on Friday, a pub lunch on Sunday, a coffee morning every day, some games of Pétanque and Finska / Mollky in the afternoons and an event in the marquee each evening.

We got to do ‘Playdough Pictionary’, where instead of drawing something you had to model it in Play-Doh.

There was a night of singing and monologues, a beetle drive, pass-the-parcel, prize bingo, and the inevitable quiz, but this time with a music round too.

Being Olympic week, we ended with a medal ceremony for the pétanque competition, with Eileen & Mary taking gold, John & Jackie taking silver and Graham & Maureen taking bronze.

Written by Roger

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Suntreckers is a private company limited by guarantee.

Company number: 07472477
Registered address: 16 Waterways Gardens, Wordsley, Stourbridge, DY8 5BD