Note: Paper Booking Procedure: In the Year book there are rally booking forms. If you wish to book using these forms then please follow the booking procedure in the Year Book.

For online booking: Follow the link from the respective rally page, complete fully and submit. You do not (in most instances) need to pay a rally deposit, the exception being the Gala rally however, you are committing to pay the rally fee even if you later decide not to attend the rally. If the rally is fully booked or is cancelled by either the Rally Organizer or the site, you will be informed by the Rally Officer and you will no longer be liable for the rally fee. In no other circumstances is any part of the deposit returnable or no longer due and the Rally fee therefore becomes the minimum Total Rally Charge for the event. If you make a late telephone booking, too late to send a deposit, and then do not attend, you must at once send the Rally Officer a full deposit to be forfeited, together with a completed booking form. These telephone bookings cause the Rally Officer considerable inconvenience and extra work, and should be avoided if at all possible. Double booking is not permitted and it is therefore not admissible to make bookings for more than one event on the same date. You cannot book online for anyone other than your own membership unit.

Day visits are not admissible on a regular basis but may be accepted occasionally. Day visitors must be Suntrecker members and must book in advance with the Rally Officer in the normal way. They will be charged the day visit fee PLUS the rally fee appropriate to the number of days they attend.

The Rally Officer is entitled to insist that you confirm the length of your stay and pay the appropriate charges on the morning following your arrival. If, on fully booked sites, you decide after the ‘book by’ date to shorten the length of your booking, you may be required to pay for all or part of the charges for the full period.

The number of Suntrecker units that can be accommodated varies from site to site and we are committed to inform sites of the number of firm bookings received up to the ‘book by’ date given for each rally. After that date the Rally Officer will, in some cases, mainly clubs and commercial sites, have to consult the site to check for vacancies before accepting your booking. It is important therefore, to make your bookings as early as possible and NEVER to turn up unless you have pre-booked with the Rally Officer or checked with the Booking Co-Ordinator that there is a pitch available. To be sure of receiving a Rally Plaque, your booking must be received by the ‘book by’ date.

In general, the principle followed will be first come, first served. The Rally Officer will confirm your booking, send you further details of the rally and notify the earliest arrival time as soon as he/she is able. If you require immediate acknowledgement, please enclose a stamped addressed envelope with your booking form. You may, if you wish, book for part of a 10-day rally and should bear in mind that it is the first weekend which is often overbooked while there is still sufficient room at the second.

If, for any reason, you find you are unable to attend a rally for which you have booked, please notify the Rally Officer immediately. NEGLECTING TO DO THIS may well deny another member the opportunity to attend this rally.

Some of our Rally Officers, who are retired, are away from home for long periods, which may be immediately prior to the rally at which they are officiating. If you have not received your booking confirmation by two weeks prior to the rally, you should phone the Rally Officer to check the position. You should also phone to check the position before sending in a booking form after the ‘book by’ date.

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Suntreckers is a private company limited by guarantee.

Company number: 07472477
Registered address: 16 Waterways Gardens, Wordsley, Stourbridge, DY8 5BD

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Suntreckers is a private company limited by guarantee.

Company number: 07472477
Registered address: 16 Waterways Gardens, Wordsley, Stourbridge, DY8 5BD